The Ultimate Power is in your Hands. {Five Minute Friday}

Friday’s come all too quickly, but never last long enough.  I love them, oh how I love them.  I am gathering again with these amazing writers!  I think what makes this flash mob of words so addictive is the freedom, freedom to let words flow- no editing, no back space, no work – just creativity!  This week’s prompt is Hands.


Connection. Life.

Connection. Life.

As I think about all the amazing things my hands can do I am bombarded with verbs.  My hands can: type, turn pages, scractch my head, brush my teeth, button buttons, push up my glasses, pull up the blankets and turn out the lights.  My hands can cook, clean, scrub, wipe, straighten, tighten and serve.  My hands can build, play, wiggle and flap.  My hands can snap, clap and drum.  My hands can hold, carry, push, pull, point, swim, crawl, fold, and rub.

My hands can work.  My hands are amazing things.  But there is one thing they can do that out does them all.

My hands are capable of connection.

And connection is vital to all of us.

My hands can touch.  Touch soothes and calms like salve to a weary soul or an ailing heart.  The photo above was taken in the NICU.  The sweet cherub at the bottom of the picture had, only moments before, been a screaming and flailing little guy.  And then the hands came.  Their touch forming a tangible connection to the sound he had grown familiar with over many months of development.  Instantly.  Connection became more powerful than food.  He felt connected and that changed everything.

What connections are your hands making?



8 Comments on “The Ultimate Power is in your Hands. {Five Minute Friday}”

  1. The two older, but still little, siblings welcoming their new brother to the playground. What a special moment for all three – and for you. Touch is such a powerful thing as you so aptly describe, Brandi. I believe your Grandmother’s soft touch and voice had the same effect for you in the first few days of your life. A bond that lasted her entire lifetime.


  2. I love how you drew us to connections through hands. Connections I’m making today are to my keyboard which will hopefully connect others to Jesus. Your words are beautiful, as well the the photo. Such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your heart-filled five minutes today! Have a beautiful day!


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