If your promise disappears, will you still trust Him? {Faith over Fear}

Hiding in the closet while my guests congregated in the kitchen, I threw a tantrum. I called my girlfriend and bawled across the wires,

“She’s flirting with him RIGHT under my nose! And what’s worse he’s flirting right back, I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND!”

“I did it again, I fell for a guy that was never interested in the first place. I gave my heart and soul and once again it got shredded”.

“I am so tired of this hurt, this vulnerability, these dashed hopes…”

I was so afraid of losing something I hadn’t yet had the chance to hold.

Have you ever felt crushed under the weight of doubt?  Ever wondered if what you dreamed of, prayed for, believed for was ever going to be yours?

Yeah, me too.

It is much harder than it seems, to look at faith in the face of fear.  God certainly got my attention in that closet and I’ll be sharing all about the changes He made in my view over here, with my new friend, Beth Kinder.  She has invited me to sit and ponder on her porch swing!  I’d love it if you’d come with me!

Do it afraid

Several years ago Beth stepped out despite feeling like a little fish in an ocean wider and deeper than ever imagined.  She ignored the lies of fears and gripped the hand of faith.  Out of her love for God and desire to pour out all He has given her she developed Remade Ministries.

“Our goal is to empower believers, shine light on their purpose, unify the body, reveal their true identity in Christ, and develop a life-giviging community that can connect believers together to support one another. Remade began with one afraid yes, and God’s been doing the rest ever since!” 

It is my absolute delight to spend the morning with them!

Remade FOF




3 Comments on “If your promise disappears, will you still trust Him? {Faith over Fear}”

  1. Faith over Fear — I love this motto. Fear is very powerful but faith is even more powerful. The first verse that came to my mind while reading this was 2 Corinthians 5:7
    “We live by faith, not by sight.” Thanks for introducing me to the Faith over Fear online workshop… will have to check it out this year. #BloggerCareGroup


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